As soon as dishwashers became commercially viable during the 1970s, the days of “you wash, I’ll dry” after dinner became a thing of the past. Dishwasher technology has grown by leaps and bounds since then, including adjustable racks, the ability to wash just certain zones, and specialized jets for hard to wash items.

The dishwasher of today even allows you to start the dishwasher from your smartphone and other devices. They can detect when food particles are still on the dishes. And just like every other kitchen appliance, their energy efficiency seems to improve with each new generation of dishwashers.

To Err is Human

For the most part, the only thing that really goes wrong with the newest dishwashers is how their owners use them. Many homeowners will wash their dishes by hand before placing them in the dishwasher. Which begs the question: Why have a dishwasher at all?

Then there are the users that go the other way. No pre-washing, dishes placed with no thought, and no soaking for dishes that have been left in the bedroom for more than a week. No matter how powerful the dishwasher is, chances are, those dishes will remain in a less than perfect state.

Problems can begin when too much food is left on the dishes when placed in the dishwasher. Foodstuffs can clog the drain, affecting the overall performance of the appliance. As food makes its way into the drain, it can become an even bigger problem for the rest of the plumbing in your kitchen.

This is because in most cases, the dishwasher water empties into the same line as the sink. Anything that manages to get past the dishwasher can end up clogging the water flow further down the line. When that happens, it may be time to call a plumber.

What to Watch For

There are some tell-tale signs of a clog either in the dishwasher drain or elsewhere in the kitchen sewer line. A few of these issues are relatively easy to spot, while others are a little more nuanced. If any one, or a combination, of these problems, arise consistently, reach out to Meticulous Plumbing.

Water Left Behind

Although many dishwashers have different settings for drying the kitchenware, standing water in the bottom of the dishwasher after a cycle means the drain could be clogged. If the problem isn’t addressed, it could lead to a bigger problem.

Kitchen Sink Drains Slowly

After cleaning your dishes, does it seem to take a long time for the water to drain from the kitchen sink? It’s a safe bet either debris from the dishwasher has made its way into the drain or foot bits are causing a partial clog. Run the garbage disposal for a few seconds to see if that helps. If not there’s a clog along the line.</

Kitchen Sink Backs Up

When you run the dishwasher, does the kitchen sink fill up with water? Because the two fixtures use the same water and drain lines, there is probably a clog after the sink because the wastewater is unable to drain properly This could also be the reason water is left over at the bottom of the dishwasher.

Dirty Dishes

After the dishwasher cycle is done, does it appear your dishes aren’t any cleaner than when you put them in? This could mean you loaded the dishwasher incorrectly or didn’t use the right dishwashing detergent. If neither of these is the case, there’s a good chance there is a clog keeping the water from entering the dishwasher with enough pressure.

Work With Professionals

If any of the above has been an ongoing problem, reach out to Meticulous Plumbing. We have the experience, tools, and knowledge to investigate the dishwasher or kitchen sink and offer solutions. Whether it’s a clog, failing plumbing, or some other issue, we’ll get your kitchen plumbing running efficiently once again.

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